Profile PictureMarylee Pangman, The Potted Desert

Celebrating Canna!


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Your cannas are gorgeous. My neighbor has red ones planted along her outside wall and right now they are beautiful. They are cut back in the spring .Thanks for sharing.

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Do cannas need to be planted in shaded areas or can they survive Arizona's heat and full sun?

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Thanks we love our Cannas! I enjoy how they over winter and produce their own seeds to to introduce more.

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So beautiful. I have recently been introduced to Cannas & love them. Still learning a lot of their care. I will certainly enjoy your emails & advice on their care.

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I planted canna plants in two pots this spring. The flowers are wilted and very small. The leaves have some with brown edges. They are curling up like a hot dog. We have a soaker hose around the plants that goes on for 20 minutes every day. What are we doing wrong?

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Bernadette Bachmann

I planted them in bloom this spring . The leaves are wilted now. Will they bloom again?

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Hi all! I’m testing this to see if I see my comment come back to me in my email. I’m not sure so I haven’t answered you all yet.

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That was Marylee!! Still testing!!

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Thank you, I didn't know Canna plants did well in the desert heat.

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